Plan My Project!

Set your next project up for success the ADHD-friendly way!

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Book your limited spot before the timer strikes zero.









Finding you on this page tells me a few things about you. And it almost guarantees that you've had at least one of these thoughts:

  • ‘I really want to start working on X (a project for work, home or in your business), but I don’t know where to start’.          
  • ‘I know what I need to do, so I don’t understand why I’m not doing it’  
  • ‘ I wish I could be one of those people who knows what they want to do, and then does it, with no mind-chatter or procrastination. I have a backlog of things to catch up on’    
  • “I am really good at planning, but actually ‘doing’ the plan is another story” 
  • “Just the thought of planning makes me want to run the other way. 
  • Planning feels uncomfortable. It makes my brain hurt and I get frustrated then do something else instead.  But I also get frustrated when I see my friends achieving the things that I want, too. Especially when I know I am just as  smart as them. 
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What if I told you…

You can learn how to plan a project.  

Implement that plan.

And enjoy the process?


‘Plan my Project’,

The 1:1 coaching service specifically designed to see you create a detailed, ADHD friendly plan for your project so it's a complete success. 

I'll help you go from…

Feeling confused,  vague, overwhelmed and annoyed with yourself for not taking action, 


 Having a crystal-clear plan of action.

After our session, you'll know exactly WHAT you'll need to do, HOW you will do it and WHEN you will do it, so you have the confidence and motivation to complete your project.

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Hey there, I'm Jacqueline Sinfield.

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I used to struggle with achieving my projects and goals, as well.

 I have a neurodiverse brain like yours. 

I didn’t understand how my friends and co-workers seemed to just know how to do things that were a complete puzzle to me.

It was frustrating.  I had dreams, goals and tasks that I wanted to achieve, but I felt  stuck.

That stuck feeling made me feel  trapped, frustrated, and that  I’d  just have to accept where I was because it was never going to change.

 It felt like other people could experience success and achieve their goals but not me.

(I was pretty down on myself back then!).

I didn’t realize I was missing a vital piece to the puzzle: Project Planning!


Creating a plan and following that plan was how people went from having an idea, to completing their projects big and small.

Planning helped me to 

  • Get a degree in psychology, 
  • Create and run my business (I have been an ADHD coach for the last 16 years), 
  • Write the book ‘Untapped Brilliance: How to Reach your full potential with Adult ADHD’, (that both  Dr Hallowell and Dr Gabor Mate  endorsed)
  • Move homes 11 times, including twice to different countries, 
  • Run 3 marathons, 1 ultra marathon and 12 half marathons.
  • And many small projects, from re-decorating a room in my home to planning vacations. 

I don’t feel stuck any more. 

Whenever there’s something I want to do or achieve, it becomes a project. I plan it out and implement the plan.

Having a project to work on makes me happy.  It feels like a fun challenge.

Project planning was the missing piece.


I needed a plan that worked for MY brain

based on my signature 10-step process.


It couldn’t be a theoretical ' good on paper’  plan.

It had to take into account who I was, how I work and my life, for the plan to work and the project get completed.

Whenever  I plan out a project for myself, or with an ADHD client, we use the 10 step process..the Plan My Project process.

This process takes clients from confusion to clarity so that they are taking action and completing projects in record breaking time, and you can do the same.  

Here are some of the projects I have helped Plan My Project clients with.

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A plan for a brand new business in Cryptocurrency (2 year later, it's going from strength to strength).

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A plan to complete a book that was 3/4 finished. Creating this plan also breathed life and enthusiasm into completing the manuscript.

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A plan to complete an important work project on a tight deadline.

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A plan to write your Master's Thesis or Ph.D. Dissertation

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A plan to declutter a whole house with a lifetime of memories.

What project would you like to plan and finish?

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How does Plan My Project work?

Here's what's included!

The perfect blend of coaching, accountability and personalized guidance.
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A 90 minute 1:1 coaching session with Jacqueline to plan out your project.

As soon as you sign up for Plan my Project, you will receive an email with a calendar link to schedule your 90 minute Project Planning appointment.

During our time together we use  the 10 step Plan My Project process,  and create  a clear plan of action for you. Which means you’ll  know the exact steps you need to  take to complete your project, big or small.  Because your plan is personalized to you, it will feel do-able and you’ll be excited to get started right away. 


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Your personalized project  plan sent to your inbox

After  our 90 minute project planning session,  your plan will be emailed to you (within 24 hours), so that you can check tasks off as you complete them, and stay on track all the way to the end of your project.

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30 minute 1:1 accountability coaching session 7 days later
Plans are awesome, but the only way to see results is to take action. 

Having external accountability is really helpful to taking action when you have ADHD, so we a have a  follow up  accountability  session.

This is scheduled 7 days after your project planning session so  you can report your progress, and we will also troubleshoot any issues you encountered.

It also increases your confidence in your ability to keep going. 


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Transcript of the 2 coaching sessions.

After the coaching sessions, you'll receive a transcript of the call delivered to your inbox. This way, you have a written record of what we discussed to refer back to as you move toward the finish line of your project.

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How-To Training Video: Project reviews.

Reviews help you to maintain your motivation, be productive AND, most importantly, believe you have the ability to complete your project 

In this training video I show you how  to perform personal reviews so that you stay on track and don’t let mind chatter get in your way.

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Recording of Jacqueline interviewing a full time project manager.

In this 60 minute video, you will learn additional techniques and suggestions from a project manager with years of experience managing projects in corporate America.  They are all ADHD friendly suggestions that can be used for personal and professional projects. 

This video is housed in a members site, that you will have immediate (and lifelong) access to.

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Jacqueline’s Plan my Project 10-step checklist

During your 1:1 project planning session we create your plan using my 10 step Plan My Project process.

When you sign up for Plan My Project you will get a checklist of those 10 steps, so that you can plan out all your future projects using the exact same process. Having a repeatable system gives you confidence that you are someone who gets things done! 


One time payment


  • A 90 minute 1:1 coaching session 

with me, Jacqueline, to plan out your project.

  • Your personalized project plan sent to your inbox
  • 30 minute accountability 1.1 coaching session 7 days later
  • Transcript of the coaching calls.

  • BONUS! Recording of Jacqueline interviewing a full time project manager.


    BONUS!  Jacqueline’s  Plan My Project 10-step checklist


    BONUS! How-To Training Video: Project reviews.




The results speak for themselves...

Jacqueline is the ONLY professional who has ever been able to make a difference. After years of frustration, near misses and unfulfilled dreams, Jacqueline managed to tap into what makes me tick and utilize my strengths.”

-Peter Bailey.

Commission based job

Jacqueline gave me one tip that tripled my productivity. I was amazed by how easy it was and what a huge difference it made. When I talk about my frustrations, Jacqui listens calmly and helps me feel accepted and then gives me easy simple steps I can do effortlessly. Tasks that have been hanging around for months are done. Projects are finally moving ahead. That means more money flows in. Thank you!!"

Bonnie Hutchinson

Writer, Consultant, 

Let's Get Started...

Plan My Project!

$500 USD

one time payment

  • A 90 minute 1:1 coaching session

with me, Jacqueline, to plan out your project.

  • Your personalized project plan sent to your inbox.
  • 30 minute accountability 1.1 coaching session 7 days later.   
  • Transcript of the coaching calls.
  • BONUS! Recording of Jacqueline interviewing a full time project manager.
  • BONUS! Jacqueline’s Plan My Project 10-step checklist.
  • BONUS! How-To Training Video: Project reviews.
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