



Go to bed before midnight!

A step-by-step method for ADHDers with a habit of staying up late 🙂

You want to feel awake, well-rested, and rejuvenated in the morning, ready for a focused, productive day.

You know that going to bed to get your sleep quota each night is how you'll achieve that.

The problem is…

😴 Staying up late feels like a hard cycle to get out of; it's been going on for as long as you can remember.

😴 You secretly enjoy staying up late, no matter how tired you are.

😴 Even though you know the benefits of sleep when bedtime approaches, that knowledge doesn't motivate you to actually go to bed.

If this sounds like you, there's good news!

There is an ADHD-friendly way to go to bed before midnight...keep reading.

Introducing I'm Going to Bed now....for sure

A home study course that shows you the exact steps to go to bed before midnight!

So that in the morning you wake up well rested and excited for your day...no matter what your history of going to bed has been in the past.

With 'I'm Going to Bed Now For Sure' you'll be able to..

😴 Go to bed at your ideal bedtime without relying on willpower.

😴 Go to bed and fall asleep even on days when you have something important first thing in the morning (e.g., a job interview or a flight) because you are confident you'll wake up with your alarm.

😴 Feel proud of yourself for being able to bed after years of not being able to.

😴 Notice how your ADHD symptoms reduce and your focus, concentration, and productivity increase.

😴 Enjoy happier, more relaxed, and organized mornings,


Enroll in ‘I’m Going to Bed Now – for Sure!’

One Time Payment

$97 USD

  • 8 training videos that walk you through the exact steps to be able to go to bed at your ideal bedtime.
  • Printable PDFs of the video slides.

  • Bonus 1.

     The Decoding Revenge Bedtime workshop recording 

  • Bonus 2. 10 ways to Fall Asleep fast...without counting sheep

Yes I am ready to enroll!

Here's what you'll learn

😴 The common nine reasons why ADHDers find it hard to go to bed.

😴What your sleep history is, and why that's important now.

😴The formula is to discover what your ideal bedtime is.

😴How to feel genuinely motivated to go to bed.

😴How to create new habits and bedtime routines that you love to follow.

Here's what's included

8 Training Videos

8 training videos that walk you through the exact steps to be able to go to bed before midnight.

Videos Replays

Of the 2 BONUS workshops.

Including 'Decoding Revenge Bedtime' 

Printable PDFs

 Printable PDFs of the video slides and transcripts of the lessons and workshops



Tech Support

The training videos are hosted on an intuitive and easy to use platform. However, if you have any tech questions, please email us at support@untappedbrilliance and we will take care of you right away.

What they’re saying

""Not only has Jacqueline taught me how to consistently go to bed at my ideal bedtime, Something I struggled to figure out how to do before. She did it in a very fun and welcoming way, while also providing tools for helping taking bedtime; something that felt like a chore at the best of times and quite anxiety inducing at the worst. To being something I look forward to during my day, something that feels nurturing and now works in line with how I want to live my life. Being able to change this habit and seeing positive results has definite helpt me build my confidence and belif in myself. Being a sleep deprived zombie makes life with ADHD extremely difficult, going to bed at the right time for is essential step to avoid living like that, so this course has been truly life changing."


""Not only has Jacqueline taught me how to consistently go to bed at my ideal bedtime, Something I struggled to figure out how to do before. She did it in a very fun and welcoming way, while also providing tools for helping taking bedtime; something that felt like a chore at the best of times and quite anxiety inducing at the worst. To being something I look forward to during my day, something that feels nurturing and now works in line with how I want to live my life. Being able to change this habit and seeing positive results has definite helpt me build my confidence and belif in myself. Being a sleep deprived zombie makes life with ADHD extremely difficult, going to bed at the right time for is essential step to avoid living like that, so this course has been truly life changing."



Hi, I'm Jacqueline

ADHD coach for adults who have an innate motivation to learn about themselves, their ADHD and implement strategies to help address challenges and untap their ADHD brilliance.

I'm a nurse turned ADHD coach (18 years and counting!) I am severely dyslexic, which means I have a neurodiverse brain like yours.

Now, I packed everything I know from my years of being an ADHD coach and a nurse, as well as my personal experience with sleep, into this home study course.

So that you too can go to bed (before midnight) and wake up well-rested, ready for a focused, productive day!

" The pre bedtime routine (I didn’t know there was such a thing) in addition to the bedtime routine has helped me tremendously. It used to be that when I was sleepy I would start to go to bed, but by the time I had done everything to prepare for bed I would be wide awake again.” "

D. Happy course member

Bonus #1

Decoding Revenge Bedtime.

ADHD-Friendly strategies to overcome your nighttime procrastination patterns.

Have you heard the term 'revenge bedtime'?

It's when you delay going to bed to have some 'me time' to do the fun/relaxing things you didn't have a chance to do during the day.

It often happens to ADHDers with very busy structured schedules, long work hours, or other responsibilities that leave you with no time for yourself during the day.

As a result, you might stay up late doing activities you enjoy, like watching Netflix, browsing social media, and playing video games.

By staying up late, you "take revenge" on your daytime restrictions.

Although having time to yourself is important, so is sleep!

Here's what you will learn in the workshop

  • What revenge bedtime procrastination is.
  • The connection between revenge bedtime procrastination and ADHD.
  • Learn the reasons why you revenge your bedtime (slightly different for everyone)
  • Plus, the secret messages that your revenge bedtime procrastination is telling you.
  • Create a personal plan so you can get your sleep while still honouring your needs (the reason why you resist going to bed)

Bonus #2

10 ways to Fall Asleep Fast..without counting sheep

Having difficulty falling asleep is one of the reasons many ADHDers delay going to bed.

They think,' why bother going to bed if I won’t be able to fall asleep anyway'.

This workshop lessons gives you 10 ways to fall asleep fast!


"“Without hesitation I recommend anyone struggling with ADHD to work with Jacqui. “I knew that medication wasn’t the only answer and that a major dietary/lifestyle change was needed for me to feel in control of my life. The changes I made not only helped my ADHD, they also helped with my severe insomnia. “Without a doubt, working with Jacqui was one of the best decisions I have made. I would have also saved thousands of dollars on psychiatrists if I had worked with her sooner.”"


Ready to Enroll in ‘I’m Going to Bed Now – for Sure!’

Ready to feel awake and ready for your day when your alarm bell rings? It’s time enjoy happier, relaxed and organized mornings, and focused productive days! I’ll show you how Enroll now for $97

One Time Payment

$97 USD

  • 8 training videos that walk you through the exact steps to be able to go to bed at your ideal bedtime.
  • Printable PDFs of the video slides.

  • Bonus 1

    The Decoding Revenge Bedtime workshop recording

  • Bonus 2.

    10 ways to Fall Asleep fast...without counting sheep

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Two Step

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