Do you have an awesome trip booked, and the only thing standing between you and that plane is packing your suitcase?

You might be scratching your head a little because...

Even though you have done some pretty impressive things in your life when it comes to packing a suitcase, it feels...well, hard.  

You might have googled ‘how to pack a suitcase?’ and found it shows articles about how to put items into your suitcase. Rolling clothes putting your heaviest items at the bottom.

These are all great tips, but when you have ADHD, putting clothes into your suitcase is just the tip of the packing iceberg.

You have other hurdles first, including.

  • Finding your suitcase
  • Trying not to get lost in over planning
  • Predicting what you might feel like wearing while you are away
  • Trying not to pack too much
  • Combating your fear of forgetting something important
  • Leaving time to pack

You might not automatically know how to pack your suitcase, but what if you had an ADHD-friendly step-by-step process to follow so that you felt organized, prepared and could confidently pack your case before every trip?

 Ready to pack your suitcase? 

Here’s what you will learn inside the

I'm All Packed Mini Course!

  • My 5 step, packing process so you have a repeatable step by step guide to follow every time you go on a trip.

  • How to streamline the pack process so that it takes less time, and zero angst.

  • How to pack your suitcase that reflects the trip you are going on rather than the additional “just in case Items

  • How to feel confident that you have packed thing things you DO need, rather than needing the things you didn’t pack.

  • How not to get bored with clothes that you packed.

  • A packing timeline, so you know how far ahead to pack (its not as far as you might think)

  • How to always remember all your really important items (passport, wallet, meds etc)

  • The simple formula for planning what to pack. So that you know what to take on your trip without getting bogged down with overplanning.

  • And lots more :) 

Here's what's included!

  •  Lifetime access to the mini-course with bite-sized ADHD-friendly video lessons so that you can take it step by step and never feel overwhelmed
  • Lifetime access to the ecording of the live 'I'm all Packed workshop; In these 98 minutes, you can enhance your understanding of the material as you hear it being presented in a different way.
  • Slides which are perfect if you want a quick visuals-only review.
  • The complete transcript of the workshop, if reading is your preferred learning style.

What's the investment? $9 USD


Enroll here!!!!!

"I always advocate for Jacqui specifically. Friends I know, who have ADHD, I encourage them towards her. It's because her services, her courses are designed to be used by people with ADHD "


I am Jacqueline Sinfield, ADHD coach for the last 18 years. I am the author of the book ‘Untapped Brilliance, how to reach your full potential as an Adult with ADHD.

I don’t have ADHD myself, but I am severely dyslexic, which means my brain is neuro diverse like your yours.
Like you, I live in a world that wasn’t designed for how my brain works.

When I became an ADHD coach, I discovered that all the techniques and strategies that I developed for myself also worked for my ADHD clients.

When I don't automatically ‘know’ how to do packing a suitcase or decluttering a room. I have to figure it out in a way that makes sense for me and my brain.

Over the years I developed and fine-tuned a packing system that worked well for me.
It's the 5-step packing process that I'll be sharing in the I'm All Packed Workshop!

P.S It works for whatever type of traveler or trip you are going on: city break, cruise, campervan adventure or backpacking.


You might be wondering...

I just got back from a trip and packed way too much stuff. I wished I'd known about this course before I went!

Welcome home!

Even though you didn't have the mini-course before your would be helpful to get it now!

The 5th step of the ' I'm all Packed' mini course is a 'Post-trip packing review' where I guide you through a short but super helpful review of your suitcase packing.

By doing this review now, you'll solidify in your mind what you'll do differently next time..

You have lifetime access to the I'm all-packed course, so the combination of what you learned in your review and the practical 'how-to' information in the course means your next trip really will be different!

I have tried other courses like this but they didn't work for me. How is this different?

You're in luck! Many other trainers for courses like this do not know how to make their techniques ADHD-friendly. You will be able to implement these techniques in a way that makes sense for you; you won't be trying to force someone else's non-ADHD-aware ideas to work for your life. 

I feel like I don't have time for a course! 

 1)  The course "bite-sized. Each lesson  is only 5-10 minutes long!

2) The course is housed in Kajabi, which has a terrific app, so you can watch or even just listen to the workshop with incredible convenience. 

I am a member of The Untapped Brilliance Club, is the workshop included?

YES! As a member of The UTB Club, you have full access to all my courses and workshops, including The I'm All Packed Workshop.

"Jacqui has a lot of very original ideas for doing things, and they are always light! You know, they are ‘easy to take.’ It's not that they don't require work…I just feel what she does is practical. "


Ready to sign up for I'm All Packed

🎊🙌 AWESOME!! 🙌🎊 Click the link below to head to check out! Be sure to use the email address you'd like me to email your workshop details to.

Questions? Please contact us at [email protected]


50% Complete

Two Step

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