This workshop gives adults living with ADHD do-able techniques to get more done in less time, so they have a BONUS hour every day!

What will you use your Bonus Hour for?

 Do you have a million and one things you'd like to do but find there is never quite enough time for everything?


Time with your family and friends, volunteer activities.

A book you'd like to write,

Inventions you want to take from the idea stage,

A side hustle to launch.


Sleep :)

If only there were more hours in the day!

You can do some pretty impressive things when you have ADHD, but one thing you can't do is conjure up a 25th hour in the day.


But what if you could do that next best thing?

Get more done in less time?

So that you have time to spare.. a BONUS hour!

Then you can intentionally use it to do some of those important-to-you-activities.

 Ready to conjure up a Bonus hour in your day?

Here's what you will learn inside

The Bonus Hour Workshop!

  • How to create one extra hour in your day (every day) using the ten do-able ADHD friendly techniques to get more done in less time,
  • How to decide what you'll use your Bonus hour for, and why that's important.
  • How these tactics help you to become intentional with time and why that helps with ADHD time blindness.
  • How using these techniques to get more done in less time will boost your motivation and energy to do things throughout the day.
  • Experience a joie de vivre --joy of living-- because life feels fun!

Here's what's included!

  • Instant access to the full 168-minute recording of The Bonus Hour workshop so you can watch it again and again
  • The workshop in bite-sized ADHD-friendly video lessons so that you can take it step by step and never feel overwhelmed
  • Printable and digital worksheets so you can document exactly how to create a Bonus Hour in your day.
  • Workshop slides which are perfect if you want a quick visuals-only review.
  • The complete transcript of the workshop, if reading is your preferred learning style

What's the investment?

You can get The Bonus Hour for only $100!

Here's what other people like you are using their bonus hours for: 

  • Sleeping!
  • Reading
  • Crafting
  • Video games
  • Working out
  • Watching a TV series
  • Journaling
  • Restoring furniture
  • Walking the dog
  • Learning a new language
  • Learning to play chess
  • Starting a side hustle! 

I'll bet you're already thinking of what you'd do with an extra 60 minutes a day!! 

Enroll here!!!!!

"Jacqueline gave me one tip that tripled my productivity. I was amazed by how easy it was and what a huge difference it made. Tasks that have been hanging around for months are done. Projects are finally moving ahead. That means more money flows in. Thank you!!" "

Bonnie Hutchinson
Writer, Consultant

"I always advocate for Jacqui specifically. Friends I know, who have ADHD, I encourage them towards her. It's because her services, her courses are designed to be used by people with ADHD "


Hi! I am Jacqui!

I have been an ADHD coach for the last 17 years, and have a neurodiverse brain like you!
Because we live in a world that isn't designed for our brains, many things take me longer than the average person.
So I am always on a quest to get more done in less time without affecting my standards or feeling stressed.
I discovered The Bonus Hour when me and my fiance moved in together.
Living together was a super happy thing, but I had to figure out how to incorporate a 1-hour commute into my day.. I didn't want to stop doing anything so I went back to basics, picked out the ten techniques I knew worked best, and created my bonus hour! I was able to keep all the things that were important to me and the commute was no longer a concern.

Fast forward to June 2022. I started to train for my first-ever marathon (42.2 Km, 26 miles) I needed 1 hour a day for the training, so I recommitted to those ten techniques (the ones I'll be sharing in The Bonus Hour Workshop) and used my Bonus hour to run...because that's fun for me!

Clients have used their Bonus Hours to start a business, declutter their house, read novels again-- you can use yours for whatever is important to you!

You might be wondering...

I have tried other workshops like this but they didn't work for me. How is this different?

You're in luck! Many other trainers for workshops like this do not know how to make their techniques ADHD-friendly. You will be able to implement these techniques in a way that makes sense for you; you won't be trying to force someone else's non-ADHD-aware ideas to work for your life. 

I feel like I don't have time for a workshop! 

 1) You can use the "bite-sized version" to hit a little of the workshop at a time. Each lesson in this version is only 5-15 minutes long!

2) The workshop is housed in Kajabi, which has a terrific app, so you can watch or even just listen to the workshop with incredible convenience. 

I am a member of The Untapped Brilliance Club, is the workshop included?

YES! As a member of The UTB Club, you have full access to all my courses and workshops, including The Bonus Hour Workshop.


"Jacqui has a lot of very original ideas for doing things, and they are always light! You know, they are β€˜easy to take.’ It's not that they don't require work…I just feel what she does is practical. "


Ready to sign up for The Bonus Hour workshop?

πŸŽŠπŸ™Œ AWESOME!! πŸ™ŒπŸŽŠ Click the link below to head to check out! Be sure to use the email address you'd like me to email your workshop details to.

Questions? Please contact us at [email protected]


50% Complete

Two Step

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